Positive Behavior Supports

All adults and students at Fife Elementary School will work together to help everyone reach their full potential. Everyone will be treated with dignity and respect. Behaviors that help students grow and mature will be encouraged.

Staff will engage students and focus on our school's "Fife Falcon Beliefs." 

Fife Falcons are working extremely hard to demonstrate these behaviors and can earn "Falcon Stickers (k,1,2) and Falcon Tickets (3, 4, 5)" from staff members. The accumulated stickers can help the classes earn a fun reward like a pj day or character day or dance party or....!!!!

Endeavour Explorers AIM

Fife Falcons Believe That We Should RISE

R = Responsible

I = Inclusive

S = Safe

E = Empathetic

    What is P.B.I.S. ?
    Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support

    How does it impact our school?
    PBIS is a program that creates a positive and predictable school environment. It focuses on improving school climate and building school culture by using consistent school wide rules, teaching rules to all students for all school areas, and developing a school wide system to recognize and reward students for following the rules.

    PBIS creates a culture of respect that allows teachers and students to focus on learning. Through PBIS, misbehavior is minimized and self-management is maximized. The end result is more time for teaching and learning.

    Why do we need to use it?
    PBIS uses behavior data collection to help with school wide decisions regarding behavior interventions and support for struggling students, consequences for breaking the rules that are consistent and timely, and changes needed for improving the system. 

    Our goal is to teach school behavior and expectations so that we have a safe and responsive school for children to be ready to learn at their full potential. 

    What will it look like at Fife Elementary?
    As we enter our fourth year of implementing PBIS at FES we will continue to teach positive behaviors when using the hallways, bathrooms, and lunchroom. 

    Teachers, assistants, and school staff will be teaching what the RISE expectations look like and sound like in all areas of the school.  Students will be given opportunities to practice what it looks like, role play what to do if you see someone not following RISE, and rewarded when they are seen following or showing one of the rules. As we reward appropriate behavior, misbehavior will decrease.

    How can you help at home?
    At home talk with your child about their day. How many Falcon Stickers did they earn today? How did they earn them? Did they show RISE today? And give them positives for the good behavior they are demonstrating at school.

    Ask you child what does responsibility, inclusion, safety and empathy mean?  How would you show those behaviors when we to to a restaurant for dinner? How would you show those behaviors at the store? or at bedtime?...

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