
Change of Plans for After School

***New Policies for Changes of Student Transportation ***

Because the last hour before school dismisses is the busiest time in the office it would be very helpful if you could notify the office as early as possible.  If you want to make transportation changes for your student, please call the school before 2:00pm to notify the office of the change. If calls are received after 2:00pm, the office cannot guarantee your child will receive the updated information prior to school dismissal.

NO early dismissals after 3:15pm.  Students will not be removed from bus lines or buses.  State issued identification is required of the adult who is signing out a student.

When writing a note, or notifying the office, please have the following information available

  • Your child’s first and last name.
  • Who is picking up your child?
  • What bus # will they be taking?
  • Who will they be riding the bus with?
  • What stop will they be getting off at?
By having more information, we will be able to ensure your child gets where you intend them to go. Thank you in advance for you cooperation.

Temporary Permission for an Unauthorized Adult to Pick-Up Student:   If anyone other than a parent or someone designated as an authorized contact is picking a child up at any time, we must have a dated note signed by the parent or a phone call giving special permission. The designated person must come to the office, provide state issued identification, and sign the child out.

Transporation Department Contact Info: 


Phone Number: 253.517.1060

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